CEO of Deseo
Expert Traveller
Meet Davide


Nutritional consultant
Happy Explorer
Meet Beatrice


Pilates instructor
Engaging Dancer
Meet Elena


Massage therapist
Wonderful Singer
Meet Marilise


Athletic trainer
All-round Expert
Meet Nicola


Massage therapist
Mountain Lover
Meet Sabrina


Massage therapist
Life Explorer
Meet Sandro


Pilates instructor
Fearless Voyager
Meet Stefania


Pilates instructor
Life Enthusiast
Meet Veronica
Davide Jelmini Deseo


CEO of Deseo

I’m Davide, and I developed a passion for movement wellness during my career as a professional hockey player.

The continuous pursuit of mindful movement led me to embrace the discipline of Pilates, culminating in the creation of the first Pilates Studio in downtown Lugano in the 2000s. After completing training as a Pilates instructor at Centro Cova Milano and Antara with Karin Albrecht in Zurich, I studied personalized programs to promote mindful movement, functional strength, and mental balance. With a specialization in global functional therapy and medical massage, I enhanced my technical skills by working for 11 years as a medical masseur and movement technician at Cirque du Soleil.

My personal skills include medical massage, global functional therapy, craniosacral therapy, Pilates method, and Antara, offering in-studio and on-demand home services.

Beatrice Olearo Deseo


Nutritional consultant

I am an empathetic, cheerful, and altruistic person. I enjoy sharing what I know and helping others feel better, including through proper nutrition.

I specialize in studying people’s body composition to assess their condition and establish a path towards better physical fitness. My work involves providing nutritional advice and instilling a passion for a healthy lifestyle, which also involves a balanced and nutritious diet without sacrificing taste!

I aim to teach an eating style that can be maintained over time, naturally and without difficulty, rather than prescribing a simple, sad, and monotonous diet to follow for a short period and then abandon. I always strive to listen to the person in front of me, understand their needs and habits, and implement small changes gradually, without upheaval.

I enjoy accompanying, supporting, and motivating clients on this journey of nutritional education and caring for their body and health.

Elena Panizza Deseo


Pilates instructor

The pursuit of movement, flexibility, and expressiveness in all its forms has always characterized my days. Over the years, I have experienced firsthand how staying still led to poor posture and muscle tension, while movement helped me feel better.

At a young age, I was drawn to the discipline of classical, modern, and contemporary dance, and in recent years, I’ve delved into Latin American dances.

My initial education was in the scientific field: after high school, I earned a degree in environmental sciences and worked for years in corporate consulting. This experience taught me to approach people, enhancing my already present communication, relational, and human skills, which are now fundamental to performing my job well.

I fell in love with Pilates during my first pregnancy, realizing the immense benefits of this discipline, to the point of completely transforming my life and turning it into my new profession after years of studying at the Covatech Pilates studio by Anna Maria Cova.

In my Pilates classes, I support my students in enhancing body awareness, improving posture, breathing, strengthening muscles, increasing flexibility, and reducing areas of tension and pain in both chronic and acute phases. I am recognized by complementary health insurance funds thanks to the Qualicert brand.

Marilise Lizio Deseo


Massage therapist

I’m Marilise, 39 years old, and a proud mother of a beautiful 16-year-old son.

I was born in Italy and raised in the Philippines. My passion for massage has been with me since childhood, thanks to my Filipino maternal grandparents who practiced massage as a cultural tradition within the family.

I’m passionate about MMA martial arts 💯, music, singing for events, playing the guitar, nature, holistic therapies, and mountain biking.

I offer a relaxing and decongestant massage using mixed techniques.

Nicola Tognoli Deseo Lugano


Athletic trainer

Athletic trainer, sports psychologist, and master Pilates trainer.

For twenty-five years, I’ve been teaching Pilates and posture using Pilates equipment: initially focusing on Pilates training for professional instructors and athletic trainers, then later engaging with athletes and dancers, and finally reaching out to the general public.

As a former professional athlete and dancer, I understand and optimize athletic preparation and post-rehabilitation for exceptional athletes and sports enthusiasts. With professional classical dancers, I work on strengthening and improving stability and classical technique.

After moving to Switzerland, I began working with non-professional individuals seeking postural improvements and with the general public eager to train ‘seriously.’

Psychology and sports are my life and my work. I manage the two professions separately, but when needed, I combine them, particularly when professional athletes require support and mental control techniques.

Coming from a pharmacy degree background, I obtained the Issa CFT3-2-1 certification as an athletic trainer and the Master training teaching for Pilates instructors, following certification from the best international Pilates schools.

In the following years, I pursued a degree in psychology, specializing in sports management and youth and gender dysphoria, with the specific aim of supporting young individuals entering the professional sports world, where stress and tension are often unbearable.

Sabrina Bassi Deseo


Massage therapist

I am a sunny, sporty person and a great lover of nature and the mountains. I have been practicing trail running for about fifteen years, and this endurance sport has given me a great awareness of my body and mind over time, as well as insight into the infinite potential of the human body. I was so fascinated by it that in 2019 I decided to train in the field of manual therapies. I am very passionate about this work. Helping people has always been of fundamental importance to me.

I am currently qualified in Therapeutic Massage, which includes classic massage, manual lymphatic drainage, and reflexology, disciplines that I love to combine and that provide me with tools on many therapeutic levels. In my ongoing training, I have also specialized in kinesio taping, cupping therapy, and Wood Therapy.

I am recognized by most complementary health insurance funds.

Sandro Cottu Deseo


Massage therapist

Hello, let me introduce myself. I’m Sandro Cottu, a certified therapist specializing in a wide range of manual therapy techniques aimed at physical well-being and overall body rebalancing.

My passion for therapeutic work is driven by the belief that an integrated approach can promote recovery and optimal health.

My skills include:
Classic and sports massage: I use this ancient technique to relax muscles, improve blood circulation, and alleviate accumulated stress from work, sports, or life in general.
Connective tissue massage: I apply this technique to work deeply on connective tissue, improving flexibility and reducing persistent muscle tension.
Manual lymphatic drainage: specialized in promoting lymphatic drainage, this technique supports the immune system, reduces edema, and promotes healing.
Foot reflexology massage: through stimulation of the reflex zones of the foot, I aim to rebalance the body’s energy and improve the function of internal organs.
Craniosacral therapy: this gentle technique aims to harmonize the central nervous system, promoting the release of tension and improving overall well-being.
Global Functional Therapy and Global Functional Rebalancing: my specialization in these advanced methodologies aims to treat the body as an interconnected system, addressing the underlying causes of physical discomfort to promote lasting global rebalancing.

I am committed to providing personalized care and adapting my approach to the specific needs of each individual, both adults and children. Your health and well-being are my priority. To book a session or for further information about my skills and services, please feel free to contact me. I am here to assist you on your journey to optimal health.

Stefania Pinotti Deseo


Pilates Instructor

Hello everyone, I’m Stefania Pinotti, a fitness enthusiast with a whopping twenty years of experience in the field.

My degree in Sports Science lays the foundation for my dedication to wellness. Specializing in Pilates and functional recovery, I’m always seeking new ways to make the journey to health more effective and exciting.

I love my work, and finding creative solutions to enhance people’s physical and mental well-being is my mission. Continuing education through advanced courses brings me deep satisfaction because I believe that constant learning is the key to offering the best to my students.

I’m here to guide you on a journey of wellness with passion and expertise, helping you grow in awareness of your body and capabilities.

Veronica Biancotti Deseo


Pilates instructor

As a professional Personal Trainer, I love guiding people toward a healthier lifestyle.

Each of us is unique, with our own strengths and limitations. My method involves creating a personalized plan that takes into account your health conditions and goals. My aim is to transform your body by changing your mindset to help you make more conscious decisions for your health.

I graduated with a master’s degree in motor sciences with top honors.

My specializations:
Raggi ® Pancafit ® Method:
This is a rehabilitative method for “Global Postural Rebalancing.” Through the use of a special tool called Pancafit ®, it is capable of rebalancing posture by acting on the entirety of the body’s chains.

Pilates CovaTech ® Method:
This methodology preserves the original setup of Joseph H. Pilates and develops it in light of current knowledge in motor sciences, anatomy, and biomechanics.

Manual lymphatic drainage therapist:
The action of lymphatic drainage massage stimulates increased drainage, promoting fluid movement and also has an effect on the immune system, resulting in increased organism defenses.

Backrack â„¢:
Works directly on the back, decompressing the musculature of the spine and acting on the myofascial system. It can be used by anyone suffering from cervical, thoracic, and lumbar pain.

My approach is therefore 360° in resolving postural and osteoarticular pain. I am recognized by health insurance funds under the Qualicert and RME brands.

I specialize in cardiometabolic diseases (diabetes – osteoporosis – heart disease – obesity) as well as postural dysfunctions (scoliosis – hyperkyphosis – hyperlordosis), approaching them from an osteopathic and rehabilitative perspective from the outset.